Right of Entry for New Mexico Surveyors
A brochure was developed to educate the public about a New Mexico Licensed professional surveyor’s right of entry onto a property. The brochure also reminds professionals of their responsibilities....
Please note that the Professional Surveying Committee issued a new advisory opinion regarding right-of-way easements and division of property. You can find the new advisory here.
Public Notice Regarding Buildings Affected by Forest Fires
Effective August 9, 2024 - The Board approved a public announcement regarding buildings affected by forest fires. NMBLPEPS Public Notice – Buildings Affected by Forest Fires
New Advisory Opinion
Effective April 19, 2024 – The Board approved a new advisory opinion regarding the New Mexico PDH requirement and the NCEES CPC standard. The advisory opinion may be found on the following web...
NOTICE: Gmail Account Users
NOTICE: Gmail Account Users [7/12/2021] Licensees and applicants who have gmail accounts please note, email communications from New Mexico State Agencies are being filtered into the Spam/Junk gmail...
NMBLPEPS Email Notifications
11/17/2016 10:26 AM Email Notifications In order to receive e-mail notifications from the Board for renewal and other information in the future, please add the Board’s e-mail address to your safe...
Notification Regarding the Imposition of Any Disciplinary Action
07/05/2019 12:26 PM Please Be Advised Of The Following: Pursuant to Title 16, Chapter 39, Part 7, Section 9 of the New Mexico Administration Code, each applicant or licensee shall notify the board,...
NOAANGS Proposed 2022 Geospatial Datum Changes
12/05/2019 1:42 PM Mr. Cliff Spirock, PS was tasked to provide an informative presentation to the Board at their working session on November 8, 2019, regarding amendments to NATRF2022 and...
03/13/2020 4:46 PM NOTICE: ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION WITH THE BOARD OFFICE As part of the State’s efforts to limit public exposure to the COVID-19 virus, the New Mexico Board of Licensure for...