1. Home

Licensees are responsible for the renewal of their license and are required, per 61-23-20 D. and 61-23-27.7 D. of the NM Engineering and Surveying Practice Act, for keeping the Board apprised of any changes of addresses. 

The Board office will send email reminders between October and November regarding license renewal to the addresses on file. Please Note: As per The Engineering and Surveying Practice Act 61-23-20 (D) “Each licensee shall have the responsibility to notify the board of any change of address within thirty days of the change” and 61-23-27.7 (D) “It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to notify the board of any change of address and to keep the license current”. Failing to do this may cause problems mailing out vital information needed to renew a license. 

License renewal is accomplished upon payment of the required fee and satisfactory completion of the requirements of professional development.  Every license shall automatically expire if not renewed on or before December 31 of the applicable biennial period.  A delinquent licensee may renew a license by the payment of twice the biennial renewal fee at any time before March 1, but the delinquent licensee shall not practice during this period. Should the licensee apply to renew an expired license after the March 1 deadline has elapsed, the licensee shall submit a formal application and fee as provided in Section 61-23-17 NMSA 1978. The board, in considering the reapplication, need not question the applicant’s qualifications for licensure unless the qualifications have changed since the license expired and/or the applicant has not acquired the appropriate Professional Development Hours (PDHs) as required by the New Mexico Administrative Code 16.9.2 for the reinstatement of a license.

All odd-numbered licenses need to be renewed by December 31st of each odd-numbered year. All even-numbered licenses need to be renewed by December 31st of each even-numbered year.

License Renewal Information

Gmail Account Users [7/12/2021]

Licensees and applicants who have gmail accounts please note, email communications from New Mexico State Agencies are being filtered into the Spam/Junk gmail folder.  Be sure to check that folder for any correspondence from our Office.

Please add our email address to your safe list.

Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. 

Email Notifications

In order to receive e-mails from the Board for renewal and other information in the future, please add the Board’s e-mail address to your safe senders list,

This will allow us to ensure you are receiving the latest Board information as well as all the correct renewal information and instructions.  Thank you in advance for your help with this matter, have a wonderful day.

Notice to Licensees – License Status

If you recently renewed your license, please be sure to check its status. If the status is incorrect please contact our Board office so we may correct it.Exit Visual Builder

Thank you and we appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

NMBLPEPS Renewal Form


License Renewal FAQ, Instruction sheet, and PDH Guide
Appendix A
Additional Qualifying PDH Activities (3/18/2019)
NCEES CPC Tracking Site
NCEES CPC Tracking
Inactive or Retired Status Applications
Inactive Status Application For Inactive Status requirements, refer to NMAC
Retired Status Application For Retired Status requirements, refer to NMAC
Reinstatement of Lapsed License
Reinstatement of a PE License Forms
Reinstatement of a PS License Forms